Back to work in Falls Creek

I was midway through a terrible round of golf last week, when I thought I’d go for a sugar hit from the pro shop in hope it would help my game. When I walked into the pro shop and saw the headlines “Phillip Hughes dies in hospital” I was shocked and saddened by the news. I didn’t know Phil personally and I had never met him, but like many professional athletes you feel like you do. You understand the decisions and investments they make to be a better athlete and in Phillips case he moved from his home to chase his goal at a similar age to myself. The tragic way in which he lost his life, doing what he loved at such a young age, with the best years of his professional career still ahead of him is what hit home to many Australians and people from around the world. I watched the funeral on TV yesterday with a heavy heart and couldn’t help but shed a tear listening to his brother and sister speak. The way in which many people around Australia paid respect to Phillip and his family makes me proud to call Australia home. RIP Phillip.

I’m back to work now up in Falls Creek, slowly getting the body back in shape. A lot of people ask what our training is like this time of year and are normally surprised with our program. For us December is all about getting the body more robust to handle our second Falls Creek camp in January and the season ahead. The only time of the year I have been injured is during December and January (touch wood) and that’s because my body is far more vulnerable to injury post break. A typical week in Falls Creek during December looks like this.
Run – 30 Minutes
Swim – 3-4km aerobic
Gym – Core / strength work
Run – 30-40 Minutes
Run – 25Minutes
Ride – 90 Minutes
Gym – Core/ Strength work
Run – 40 minutes
Run – 30 Minutes
Swim – 3-4km aerobic with a bit of pull/ paddle strength work
Gym – Core / strength work
Ride – 60 minutes
Run – 25Minutes
Ride – 60 Minutes
Gym – Core/ Strength work
Run – 40 minutes
Run – 25Minutes
Swim – 4-5km
Gym – Core/ Strength work
Run – Tempo session. Generally something like 3 x 10-15 minutes at tempo pace
Swim – 5km
Ride – 90 minutes
Run – Long run – around 80 – 100 minutes
Ride – Rollers 30 minutes
On paper it may look like a lot of training but it is generally no more than 3 hours a day. The aim is to have the body adapted to the altitude and training so that when we come back in January we will be ready to add in a bit more volume and intensity.
I hope everyone has a good Chrissie and New Years break; I’ll be enjoying a week or so with the family back in Newcastle. Thanks to everyone that has supported me throughout 2014, its had its up and down’s but it been a blast and YOUR support has been unbelievable. Bring on 2015! Thankyou!!